Typically, training Pointers is a fairly easy task because these dogs are not just intelligent; they’re also eager to please. However, English Pointer training can be even easier if you use the right tools. A small, inexpensive device called a clicker is one of the most effective training tools available. Used in what’s called clicker training, it produces a sudden, sharp clicking sound when you press its button. Your dog will be able to hear the clicker from 20 or more yards away.

Pointer clicker training is not only extremely effective, it’s easy to do. Using your clicker, you’ll be able to control your dog’s behavior and teach him a wide range of obedience commands and tricks. You can begin a pup’s Pointer clicker training as soon as he’s nine or ten weeks old, although each session should only be five minutes long because his attention span will be short. If your dog is older the training sessions can be a bit longer, although shorter but more frequent sessions are always better.

The initial goal of your Pointer clicker training involves teaching your dog to develop a mental connection between hearing the sound of the clicker and receiving praise and a treat. Once your dog learns the click means good things are coming, it’s time to move on to the next stage of Pointer clicker training. Here, the goal is for your dog to learn to associate the click with a specific command or behavior, and then perform that desired action. He’ll be eager to learn what you want him to do so he can hear that click, because he already knows the click means he’ll be rewarded. Clickers provide the immediate feedback dogs need in order to learn. They mark and simultaneously reward a specific desirable behavior with a click. You then reinforce the association between behavior and click with immediate praise and a treat.

You’ll need to teach your Pointer that the clicker sound is a reward for doing the right thing. Your dog must learn to associate the sound of the clicker with your praise and a treat, so only use the clicker when you want to tell him he’s done a good job and his reward is on the way. If you’re consistent in how you use the clicker, your Pointer clicker training will progress rapidly. Typically, it will only take an hour or so, spread out over a couple of days, before your Pointer learns to associate the clicking sound with a reward.

Once he makes that connection, it’s time to start using Pointer clicker training to teach specific commands. Simply decide on what you want to teach him to do, and then get him to do it. For example, if you want to teach your dog to sit on command, grab your clicker and then either wait for him to sit on his own, or coax him into sitting. As soon as he sits, give him an immediate click, praise and treat. It will usually only take a few repetitions before your Pointer learns sitting is the right thing to do and he starts sitting on his own. After a while, it won’t be necessary to give him a treat each time because your praise and physical attention are also rewarding. Eventually, they can replace the treats entirely.

The final step in using a clicker to train a Pointer to sit is adding a verbal command and teaching him to follow this verbal cue. This step of Pointer clicker training is easy: just say the command and click, praising and giving your dog a treat as soon as he sits. Practice for two or three days and your Pointer should learn to connect the verbal cue with the desired behavior of sitting. When he makes that connection, he’ll be sitting on your verbal command without needing to hear the click. Soon, he’ll also be doing it without any treat.

Clickers make English Pointer training a snap. Use your clicker to train your dog and he’ll do what you ask because he’s learned it pleases you. Just make sure you avoid confusing him by using your clicker to teach him only one thing at a time.